Work permits for foreigners: who needs them exactly?
When hiring foreigners, it is important to distinguish between nationals of EEA Member States and members of their families who can work and provide services in the Republic of Croatia without a residence and work permit for up to three months, i.e. without a certificate of registration, while after three months they must have an application for temporary stay for the purpose of work, on which a certificate is issued without delay. On the other hand, residence and work permits are required when hiring third-country nationals, that is, non-EPG members.
Work permits for foreigners: How to obtain them?
Residence and work permit is a permit that can be obtained in two ways, based on the annual quota issued pursuant to the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Croatia which, in addition to the number of permits, defines activities as well as occupations in which employment is allowed, the number of seasonal work permits as well as the number of permits for the extension of already issued permits and outside the annual quota, which is issued for certain activities prescribed in more detail by the Foreigners Act and the binding subordinate legislation.
Residence and domicile registration?
Citizens are obliged to register and cancel their residence and register their residence. Residence and residence shall be reported to the police administration/police station competent according to the place of residence or place where the person wishes to declare residence or residence. The application for residence and residence shall be submitted within 15 days from the day of establishment at the place of residence, i.e. from the day of arrival at the place of residence.
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